Thyrogen Europeiska unionen - lettiska - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


sanofi b.v. - thyrotropin alfa - vairogdziedzera audzēji - priekšējās hipofīzes daivas hormoni un to analogi, hipofīzes un hipotalāma hormoni un to analogi - thyrogen is indicated for use with serum thyroglobulin (tg) testing with or without radioiodine imaging for the detection of thyroid remnants and well-differentiated thyroid cancer in post thyroidectomy patients maintained on hormone suppression therapy (thst). low risk patients with well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma who have undetectable serum tg levels on thst and no rh (recombinant human) tsh-stimulated increase of tg levels may be followed-up by assaying rh tsh-stimulated tg levels. thyrogen is indicated for pre-therapeutic stimulation in combination with a range of 30 mci (1. 1 gbq) to 100 mci (3. 7 gbq) radioiodine for ablation of thyroid tissue remnants in patients who have undergone a near-total or total thyroidectomy for well-differentiated thyroid cancer and who do not have evidence of distant metastatic thyroid cancer (see section 4.

Parareg Europeiska unionen - lettiska - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


dompé biotec s.p.a. - cinacalcet - hypercalcemia; parathyroid neoplasms; hyperparathyroidism - kalcija homeostāze - sekundāra hiperparatireoidisms (hpt) ārstēšana pacientiem ar nieru slimību beigu stadijā (esrd) uz apkopes dialīzes terapiju. mimpara var izmantot kā daļu no terapijas shēmu, tostarp fosfātu saistvielām un/vai d vitamīna sterīni, vajadzības gadījumā (skatīt 5. iedaļu. samazināt hypercalcaemia pacientiem ar:-parathyroid karcinoma. - primārās hpt, par kurām parathyroidectomy būtu norādīt, pamatojoties uz seruma calciumlevels (kā noteikts attiecīgās ārstēšanas vadlīnijas), bet kam parathyroidectomy nav klīniski atbilstošs, vai ir kontrindicēta.

Renagel Europeiska unionen - lettiska - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


sanofi b.v. - sevelamer - renal dialysis; hyperphosphatemia - visi pārējie terapeitiskie produkti - renagel is indicated for the control of hyperphosphataemia in adult patients receiving  haemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis. renagel should be used within the context of a multiple therapeutic approach, which could include calcium supplements, 1,25 - dihydroxy vitamin d3 or one of its analogues to control the development of renal bone disease.

Viraferon Europeiska unionen - lettiska - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


schering-plough europe - interferon alfa-2b - hepatitis c, chronic; hepatitis b, chronic - imunitātes stimulatori, - hronisks b hepatīts: Ārstēšana pieaugušiem pacientiem ar hronisku b hepatītu, kas saistīti ar pierādījumu par b hepatīta vīrusu replikācijas (klātbūtne hbv-dns un hbeag), paaugstināts alanīna aminotransferase (alt) un histoloģiski pierādīta aktīvās aknu iekaisumu un/vai fibroze. hroniskais c hepatīts:pieaugušie pacienti:introna ir norādīts ārstēšanai pieaugušiem pacientiem ar hronisku c hepatītu, kam ir paaugstināts transaminases bez aknu decompensation un kas ir pozitīvi uz seruma hcv-rns vai anti-hcv (skatīt 4. iedaļu. labākais veids, kā izmantot introna šajā norāde ir kopā ar ribavirin. chidren un pusaudžiem:introna ir paredzēta lietošanai kombinācijā režīms ar ribavirin, ārstēšanai bērniem un pusaudžiem, 3 gadu vecumu un vecākiem, kuriem ir hronisks c hepatīts, kas agrāk nav ārstēti, bez aknu decompensation, un kas ir pozitīvi uz seruma hcv-rns. lēmumu, lai ārstētu būtu jāpieņem katrā gadījumā atsevišķi, ņemot vērā visus pierādījumus par slimības progresēšanu, piemēram, aknu iekaisumu un fibroze, kā arī zīlēšana faktori atbildi, hcv genotipa un vīrusu slodzes. paredzamo labumu no ārstēšanas, būtu jāizsver, drošības konstatējumiem, kas novērotas pediatrijas mācību priekšmetos klīniskos pētījumos (skatīt 4. 4, 4. 8 un 5.

Zurampic Europeiska unionen - lettiska - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


grünenthal gmbh - lesinurad - hiperurikēmija - antigut preparāti - zurampic, kombinācijā ar ksantīna oksidāzes inhibitoru, norāda hyperuricaemia, podagra pacientiem (ar vai bez tophi), kuri nav sasnieguši mērķi seruma urīnskābes līmeni, atbilstošu devu ksantīna oksidāzes palīglīdzekļa ārstēšanai pieaugušajiem vieni inhibitors.

Dupixent Europeiska unionen - lettiska - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


sanofi winthrop industrie - dupilumabs - dermatitis, atopic; prurigo; esophageal diseases; asthma; sinusitis - agents for dermatitis, excluding corticosteroids - atopic dermatitisadults and adolescentsdupixent is indicated for the treatment of moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis in adults and adolescents 12 years and older who are candidates for systemic therapy. children 6 months to 11 years of agedupixent is indicated for the treatment of severe atopic dermatitis in children 6 months to 11 years old who are candidates for systemic therapy. asthmaadults and adolescentsdupixent is indicated in adults and adolescents 12 years and older as add-on maintenance treatment for severe asthma with type 2 inflammation characterised by raised blood eosinophils and/or raised fraction of exhaled nitric oxide (feno), see section 5. 1, who are inadequately controlled with high dose inhaled corticosteroids (ics) plus another medicinal product for maintenance treatment. children 6 to 11 years of agedupixent is indicated in children 6 to 11 years old as add-on maintenance treatment for severe asthma with type 2 inflammation characterised by raised blood eosinophils and/or raised fraction of exhaled nitric oxide (feno), who are inadequately controlled with medium to high dose inhaled corticosteroids (ics) plus another medicinal product for maintenance treatment. chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis (crswnp)dupixent is indicated as an add-on therapy with intranasal corticosteroids for the treatment of adults with severe crswnp for whom therapy with systemic corticosteroids and/or surgery do not provide adequate disease control. prurigo nodularis (pn)dupixent is indicated for the treatment of adults with moderate-to-severe prurigo nodularis (pn) who are candidates for systemic therapy. eosinophilic esophagitis (eoe)dupixent is indicated for the treatment of eosinophilic esophagitis in adults and adolescents 12 years and older, weighing at least 40 kg, who are inadequately controlled by, are intolerant to, or who are not candidates for conventional medicinal therapy.

Ultomiris Europeiska unionen - lettiska - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


alexion europe sas - ravulizumab - hemoglobīnūrija, paroksizmāla - selective immunosuppressants - paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria (pnh)ultomiris is indicated in the treatment of adult and paediatric patients with a body weight of 10 kg or above with pnh:- in patients with haemolysis with clinical symptom(s) indicative of high disease activity. - in patients who are clinically stable after having been treated with eculizumab for at least the past 6 months (see section 5. atypical haemolytic uremic syndrome (ahus)ultomiris is indicated in the treatment of patients with a body weight of 10 kg or above with ahus who are complement inhibitor treatment-naïve or have received eculizumab for at least 3 months and have evidence of response to eculizumab (see section 5. generalized myasthenia gravis (gmg)ultomiris is indicated as an add-on to standard therapy for the treatment of adult patients with gmg who are anti-acetylcholine receptor (achr) antibody-positive. neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (nmosd)ultomiris is indicated in the treatment of adult patients with nmosd who are anti-aquaporin 4 (aqp4) antibody-positive (see section 5. ultomiris is indicated in the treatment of adult patients with paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria (pnh):- in patients with haemolysis with clinical symptom(s) indicative of high disease activity. - in patients who are clinically stable after having been treated with eculizumab for at least the past 6 months. ultomiris is indicated in the treatment of adult patients with atypical haemolytic uremic syndrome (ahus) who are complement inhibitor treatment-naïve or have received eculizumab for at least 3 months and have evidence of response to eculizumab.

Palynziq Europeiska unionen - lettiska - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


biomarin international limited - pegvaliase - fenilketonūrias - citi gremošanas trakta un vielmaiņas produkti - palynziq ir indicēts, lai ārstētu pacientus ar fenilketonūrija (pku) vecumā no 16 gadiem un vecāki, kuriem ir nepietiekama asins fenilalanīna kontroles (asins fenilalanīna līmeņiem, kur ir vairāk nekā 600 micromol/l) par spīti pirms vadību ar pieejamo ārstēšanas iespējas.

Deferasirox Accord Europeiska unionen - lettiska - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

deferasirox accord

accord healthcare s.l.u. - deferasirox - iron overload; beta-thalassemia - visi citi terapeitiskie izstrādājumi, dzelzs helātu veidošanās aģentu - deferasirox accord ir indicēts, lai ārstētu hronisku dzelzs pārslodzi, jo bieži asins pārliešanas (≥7 ml/kg/mēnesī, kas pildīta sarkano asins šūnu) pacientiem ar beta thalassaemia galvenais vecumā no 6 gadiem un vecāki. deferasirox saskan arī indicēts, lai ārstētu hronisku dzelzs pārslodzes dēļ, asins pārliešanas, kad deferoksamīna terapija ir kontrindicēta vai piemēroti šādām pacientu grupām:jo pediatrijas pacientiem ar beta thalassaemia ar lielu dzelzs pārslodzi, jo bieži asins pārliešanas (≥7 ml/kg/mēnesī, kas pildīta sarkano asins šūnu) vecumā no 2 līdz 5 gadiem,pieaugušajiem un pediatrijas pacientiem ar beta thalassaemia ar lielu dzelzs pārslodzi, jo reti asins pārliešanas (.

Actovegin 80 mg/2 ml šķīdums injekcijām Lettland - lettiska - Zāļu valsts aģentūra

actovegin 80 mg/2 ml šķīdums injekcijām

takeda austria gmbh, austria - haemoderivatum deproteinatum asins teļu, - Šķīdums injekcijām - 80 mg/2 ml